Friday, February 8, 2008

Cheers, boos for McCain at conservative gathering

Cheers, boos for McCain at conservative gathering

Sen. John McCain Thursday told a conservative-rich audience that he has what it takes to unite the Republican party.

"I know I have a responsibility, if I am, as I hope to be, the Republican nominee for president, to unite the party and prepare for the great contest in November," McCain told the Conservative Political Action Conference.

Critics say he's too liberal to carry his party's nomination. Conservatives point to him breaking with the party on immigration, opposing the Bush tax cuts and co-sponsoring legislation on campaign finance reform.

The meeting is the nation's largest annual gathering of conservative activists, students and policymakers, according to CPAC.

The speech came just hours after McCain's chief rival, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, announced he was suspending his campaign.


The crowd responded enthusiastically when McCain said he would make the Bush tax cuts permanent. McCain voted against the president's first two tax cuts in the Senate.

Further trying to separate himself from the liberal ideas he has been associated with, McCain detailed what he called "significant differences" between him and the Democratic candidates, Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

McCain also asked the audience to forgive him for his absence from last year's CPAC, when he was the only major Republican candidate to reject an invitation to speak at the conference.

"I hope you will pardon my absence last year, and understand that I intended no personal insult to any of you," he said. "I was merely preoccupied with the business of trying to escape the distinction of preseason front-runner for the Republican nomination, which, I'm sure some of you observed, I managed to do in fairly short order."

Short order is right...if he keeps this up, with the Dems in a lockup, hes going to get the presidency for sure. Then all those stupid, ridiculous tax cuts STAY. I'm glad that people accuse him of being too liberal however, it shows that the country wont stay backwater forever, that we will progress from the old "we are GREAT" mentality to a "lets make ourselves worth looking at" mentality. even the so-called conservatives.

But seriously...Lets get the Dems straightened out so we don't get a giant wall built across the Mexican border. please? The world doesn't need another Berlin wall.

Yours Truly ~~

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