Thursday, June 5, 2008

Clinton ending candidacy, supporting Obama

Clinton ending candidacy, supporting Obama, by Sarah Hallman

"WASHINGTON - Hillary Rodham Clinton will end on Saturday her historic bid to become the first woman president but Barack Obama said he won't be hurried into a decision on whether to make her his running mate."

While Obama accepting Hilary as a running mate could certainly help to unite the currently divided Democratic party, I would completely understand if he chose not to. Hilary has spent the past months trying to make his life and reputation with the American public as bad as possible. It would seem kind of really forced and ridiculous for them to all of a sudden join together like they were the best of friends.
Politics has always been a two faced and sordid affair however so perhaps they will manage to pull it off. Only time will tell.

'Carbon Belch Day' promotes un-green actions

'Carbon Belch Day' promotes un-green actions, by Sarah Hallman

"Smoke cigars, do a partial load of laundry, drink bottled water, and feel no shame. That's what a campaign against a carbon trading bill is urging."

In a rebellion against the recent obsession with living a greener life some people have created the carbon belch. In this idea, instead of reducing your effects on the planet, there is a chosen day on which everyone involved will do all the most anti-green things they can think of.
While I understand the rebellious mature of this it does not change the fact that it is stupid and immature. If you don't want to do green things, fine, but don't go out of your way to reverse all the work people are putting into this. Plus no one will benefit from this, you'll both lose money and kill the planet the same time. So you will also be personally non-benefiting from this.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Obama clinches Democratic nomination

Obama clinches Democratic nomination, by sarah hallman
"Senator Barack Obama has claimed the Democratic presidential nomination, prevailing through an epic battle with Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton"

It was announced that Obama has finally won the place of democratic candidate. The question I wish to ask though is, after all the fighting that occurred for this to happen is it even going to be worth it? The Democratic party is divided, how are we supposed to unite and win after fighting against each other for so long? Will we able to pull it together or will McCain win the election and make everything that has been done pointless?
I fear that it will be the latter.