Thursday, December 20, 2007

Tancredo Won't seek re-election to Congress

Tancredo won't seek re-election to Congress

"Several weeks ago I made the decision[...]" the five-term Republican congressman and longshot (his word) presidential candidate told his staff Sunday night in a note posted online today by the Rocky Mountain News.


"I have decided that I have accomplished all I can in the U.S. House of Representatives on the issue of immigration reform and will therefore not seek a 6th term.

"I broke my term limits pledge because at the time, there was no one else to whom the baton could have been passed. Now there are so many folks working the issue from our side that I think I can safely say my work there is done."

When he first ran for his seat in 1998, Tancredo said he would serve no more than three terms. During his tenure, he became the leading congressional critic of illegal immigration, an issue on which he has based his bid for the Republican presidential nomination. He also gained notoriety in 2005 when he suggested that the United States could retaliate for a nuclear attack by Islamist terrorists by bombing the Muslim holy cities of Mecca and Medina.

Tancredo’s presidential campaign continues.

Meanwhile, he becomes the latest high-profile House Republican to announce his retirement at the end of the 110th Congress. The GOP considers his a safe seat.

"A Republican has held Colorado’s Sixth Congressional District for more than 30 years," Rep. Tom Cole of Oklahoma, the chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, said in a statement. "There is a strong Republican bench in this seat and we expect the people of central Colorado to send another Republican to the House."

This man is a joke. truly. For those readers that dont know - Tancredo is a one-issue man who believes the solution to Americas problems is to deport each and every illegal immigrant and stop incoming legal immigration. Hes a joke who takes his own act seriously. Hes racist and a supremacist - threating to bomb Mecca and Medina (two of the holiest Muslim site in the world) if Islamic Terrorists bombed America. This guy is a moron and America - if not the world - is better off if he disappears from politics.

Yours Truly ~~

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