Thursday, December 20, 2007

It's showtime for Republican Thompson in Iowa

It's showtime for Republican Thompson in Iowa

After a late start, poor reviews for a lackluster campaign and a slide in opinion polls sending him behind several rivals, he says he is ready to make his move in Iowa.

"People are paying attention now, people are focused," said Thompson, who launched a marathon Iowa bus tour this week ahead of January 3, when the state kicks off the race to choose the Republican and Democratic candidates for the November 2008 presidential election.


Thompson has been falling in polls since his delayed entry in September and a series of campaign-trail gaffes. He has been criticized for spending too little time campaigning. Some days, his entire schedule consists of a few call-in radio shows.
But a strong showing in Iowa after months of neglect could give Thompson new momentum. He has visited the state just eight times, less than any other Republican candidate except Texas Rep. Ron Paul, according to the political Web site Hotline.


While Thompson has fallen well behind the pack in national polls, he is in a race for third in Iowa behind Huckabee and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. A slip by either could give him a shot at a surprise.

Thompson's rivals for third in Iowa, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Arizona Sen. John McCain, also have barely campaigned in the state while looking to later primary votes elsewhere across the country.


Earlier this week, Thompson picked up the backing of Rep. Steve King, who represents the heavily Republican western half of Iowa and holds considerable sway with the state's sizable bloc of social and religious conservatives.

But Thompson's late start could prove a handicap in organizing voter turnout efforts in Iowa, often a requirement for success in the state.

"If you are going to participate in the Iowa caucuses, you have to get on the ground and fight it out county by county," said Steve Roberts, a Republican National Committee member from Iowa. "He just hasn't done that so far."

Well - I'm not sure what this is going to matter for in the end - He doesn't stand much of a chance at winning in this election at all - But Iowa does contribute 7 electoral college votes, which isn't very much - but can easily help mount up some votes for himself. At any rate - Hes not much of a public speaker and I don't think hes taking his own campaign seriously - If your only going to do a few call in shows - your not thinking very smart. I'd wish him good luck...but I don't think it would matter.

Yours Truly ~~


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