Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Huckabee Courts Evangelical Vote in Iowa

Huckabee Courts Evangelical Vote in Iowa

Huckabee, a former Southern Baptist minister, announced the names Tuesday in Iowa of more than 60 pastors endorsing his presidential bid, including Tim LaHaye, best-selling author of the Christian apocalyptic "Left Behind" series; LaHaye's wife, Beverly LaHaye, founder of Concerned Women for America; and Chuck Hurley, an influential Iowa conservative.

The announcement was the payoff of months of work by Huckabee staffer Matt Reisetter, 32, whose job it is to get Christian evangelicals in Iowa excited about Huckabee's bid for the GOP nomination.

"There's been a lot of evangelicals who really like the governor since the first time they were exposed to him," Reisetter said, " but there's a lot of pragmatists among the evangelical ranks — they want to support a winner."

Reisetter said now that Huckabee is surging in the polls — locked in a statistical dead heat with longtime Iowa front-runner former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney — evangelicals feel more comfortable backing him.

"They see he's a winner and he aligns with them on issues that matter the most," Reisetter said.

Huckabee addressed a group of 300 pastors in Iowa Monday attending a religious conference and received more than three standing ovations.


Huckabee's consistent anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage stance is a plus for many Christian evangelicals in Iowa. An estimated 40 percent of likely GOP caucus voters in Iowa consider themselves born-again Christians or Christian evangelical.

"He's pro-life, he's pro-God, pro-family and I think that's striking a chord with evangelical Christians here," said Kevin Lee, pastor of a 3,000-member congregation in Sioux City, Iowa.

Where to begin on this train-wreck of a person...
To make it clear: Religion and Politics DO NOT mix.
it creates a doorway to monarchy with "god-given right to rule"
(and BELIEVE ME. its well on its way to getting there with king bush
talking about how "God said to me, Georgie, you go down there and
free them Iraqians") it creates a doorway with someone thinking
that anyone who doesnt follow the governments religion is wrong
at all times. Huckabee shot himself in the foot when he said:
"God is not spelled G-O-P, and if the G-O-P ever
leaves G-O-D then the G-O-P will lose m-e,"
which translates into: We follow god - not the people.
If the people ever gain control - im out of here.

Yours Truly ~~

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